Our Commitment to the Environment

The increasing pressures on our planet’s limited natural resources and the looming threat of climate change require swift and collective action from each and every one of us.

We are committed to meeting the needs of our society while minimising the impact of our actions on the environment and future generations. As a leading UK fuel supplier, we must continually evolve to support our customers as they meet the increasing demands of their own business objectives. We are actively seeking a range of environmental commitments and pledges relevant to our business, such as the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) which is currently developing a methodology specifically for the oil and gas sector.

Fuelling the nation while reducing carbon emissions

Our own operations are certified carbon neutral in accordance with PAS 2060:2014 and ISO 14064 standards. Our next goal is to achieve Net Zero direct emissions (Scope 1 & 2) by 2030 or sooner.

How will we prove that we have reached Net Zero?

  • A Carbon Strategy Report performed by an external consultancy to set out where we are now and the steps that we need to take over the next 5 years to reduce our carbon footprint to Net Zero
  • We are implementing a robust and transparent Carbon Reduction and Reporting Strategy which is aligned to international standards (PAS 2060 & ISO 14064, GHG protocol)
  • All our emissions will be externally verified by a consultancy on an annual basis and the reports readily available to all stakeholders


How will we get there?

  • 2012 – We began voluntarily offsetting delivery emissions
  • 2018 – We heavily invested in HVO
  • 2021 – We switched entire fleet to HVO and completed office efficiency upgrades
  • 2022 – We became certified carbon neutral by April, and began company initiatives such as tree planting
  • 2023 – Our offices will be powered by renewable energy
  • 2028 – Upgrades to fuel system pump will be implemented
  • 2029 – All our small vehicles will be upgraded to electric power
  • 2030 – We will achieve Net Zero direct emissions (scope 1 and 2)

Did you know our fleet runs on HVO fuel?

In 2021 we switched our entire delivery fleet over to HVO fuel and predict a saving of around 3,080 tonnes of CO2 every year. This makes us one of the first fuel suppliers in the UK to power our delivery vehicles on a 100% advanced renewable diesel fuel – an industry first!

We are also continuing to offset any remaining emissions released from our deliveries, effectively making our deliveries carbon neutral.

What else are we doing to achieve net zero?

  • Encouraging all customers to switch to low emission fuels
  • Using electronic communications where possible to reduce paper consumption
  • Recycling all old IT equipment and oil barrels
  • Promoting sustainable fuels to streamline clean energy transition
  • Providing a wide range of environmental services
  • Planning delivery routes to minimise delivery mileage and reduce emissions
  • Regularly servicing and maintaining all tankers and company cars
  • Installing solar panels on our offices and depots
  • Reducing our use of single-use plastics
  • Setting up community initiatives such as tree planting, energy reduction etc

Fuel your business responsibly with our wide range of sustainable fuel solutions which can be tailored to your unique needs. Call us on 0330 123 1144 to speak to a renewable fuel expert today.

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The benefits of using Beesley Fuels

24 – 48 hour Standard Delivery

We deliver on our promise, with 92% of our orders successfully delivered within 24 hours.

24/7 Emergency Delivery

We can come to your rescue with our emergency deliveries, helping you avoid unplanned downtime.

Sustainable Fuelling Solutions

We don't just supply fuel, we have the tools and expertise to help you fuel your business responsibly.

Personal Account Managers

With us, you’ll have one point of contact throughout, who will know your fuel needs inside out.